Gracias a Twifans tenemos los siguientes Ringtones de algunas frases de New Moon :D

Solo da Clic en la palabra RINGTONE

“What a marshmellow…..” ringtone

Edward reciting Romeo & Juliet ringtone

“dating an older woman….” Emmett ringtone

Edward…end quote ringtone

Jake & Bella “age…general lack of know how” ringtone

“Dear Alice when I’m w/Jake” ringtone

“Dear Alice…it’s like a hole was punched” ringtone (♥)

“can’t trust vampires” ringtone

“Age is just a number, baby” ringtone

Bella’s opening lines ringtone

“I will never hurt u, u can count on me” ringtone (♥)

“as soon as you let the dog out” Alice ringtone

“this may hurt just a little” Jane ringtone

“where have u been loca” ringtone

“so ur the vampire girl, so ur the wolf girl” ringtone