MTV tiene un video exclusivo de Robert en Little Ashes.

Instead of Edward Cullen's pale skin, he's boasting the olive complexion of a Spaniard. Rather than speaking in the measured tones of the "Twilight" vampire, his dialogue is delivered with the cool nonchalance of a brilliant artist with his life before him. And in place of his beloved Bella, Robert Pattinson is enamored with a young poet named Federico.

In the wake of the smash success of "Twilight," anyone who doubts Robert Pattinson's acting skills might want to take a close look at these two exclusive clips from "Little Ashes," the long-awaited indie drama that will soon aim to prove that RPattz is more than just a pretty face.

For quite some time now, we've been following "Ashes," a biopic Pattinson shot just before "Twilight" put his face on the bedroom walls of teenagers all over the world. From the Spanish accent to the crazy Dali moustache to the film's homosexual subplot, it certainly doesn't fit the mold of follow-up vehicles most actors seek after a Hollywood breakthrough. But as Pattinson has stated on numerous occasions, he isn't looking to remain a teen heartthrob — and brave choices like "Ashes" are what turns a young actor into a Johnny Depp rather than a Kirk Cameron.

The first thing you notice is Rob's Italian accent. In clip number one, poet Federico García Lorca (Javier Beltrán) and filmmaker Luis Buñuel (Matthew McNulty) discuss their desire to "make a difference to the world." Spying Dali and his newly cleaned-up look, Bunuel says "The girls will go crazy," to which the future surrealist painter replies: "I expect so."

In clip number two, the relationship between Dali and García Lorca is clearly developing, much to Buñuel's chagrin. "Frederico is working on something now that will blow everything apart," explains Pattinson, taking drags from a cigarette. "What's it about?" Luis replies. "His family? Butterflies? God?"

"Me," Dali answers, ominously foreshadowing the rift that is to come. Set in 1922 and detailing the awakening of the 18-year-old Dali at university in Madrid, "Little Ashes" will open in limited release beginning May 8.

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